ADAC MX Masters·12.3.2020

Fürstlich Drehna meeting postponed: Racing at Fürstlich Drehna will now take place in the autumn

Event organisers MSC Fürstlich Drehna eV and the ADAC eV have decided to postpone racing at Fürstlich Drehna until this autumn in view of the dynamic development of the virus and in accordance with recommendations from the German Ministry of Health. The measure has been put in place in order to safeguard the health of spectators and of all those involved while taking into account the possibility that travel restrictions might stop riders and teams from overseas taking part.

The new date for the Fürstlich Drehna meeting will be announced later in the year because of the many changes being made around the world to the calendar for sporting events. The season opener for the ADAC MX Masters is now set to take place on the weekend of 2nd-3rd May at Mölln.

Tickets already purchased for the ADAC MX Masters at Fürstlich Drehna will remain valid.

Note for media representatives: Accreditation requests already submitted for Fürstlich Drehna will still be processed and need not be re-submitted for the new date in autumn.